

首先,就算林肯总统如你所说的,是为了维护联邦的统一而打仗. 那也只能说明林肯错了:他违背了美国的宪法, 侵犯了各州离开联邦的"合同权利".

陆耘用中学教科书和后来人的__**观点**__而不是事实来论证, 这不是正确的作法,可以忽略.


事实是, 即使在南方已经要独立的情况下,林肯的说法还是:希望他们不要独立,但是我不会只为了统一而打仗. 林肯是相信和平的价值高于统一的.

同时,林肯在南方必须保护联邦的财产这一点上很坚决. 南方当时是如此地愚蠢和不自量力,非要抢夺联邦的财产(Fort Sumter), 这才引发了战争的第一枪.



he announced that he would “hold, occupy, and possess” the property and places belonging to the federal government. Such a threat was necessary because the rebellious states had already seized federal forts, arsenals and customhouses within their boundaries. Even with this threat, Lincoln's tone was moderate. “The government will not assail you,” he addressed the South. “You can have no conflict, without being yourselves the aggressors.
Microsoft? Encarta? Encyclopedia 2003. ? 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

南北战争的第一枪不是北方打的. 最后通牒也是南方下的. 所以你无论如何也无法证明林肯总统为了统一__**发动**__了南北战争.

换言之, 宪法没有规定州不可为的行为,州即可为之. 各州自愿加入联邦, BY COMMON SENSE他们当然有权退出.


Amendment 10

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Comment: The Tenth Amendment restates a fundamental constitutional rule: If a particular power was not assigned to the federal government by the Constitution itself, then the states may exercise the power, unless the Constitution also prohibits the states from exercising it. The Tenth Amendment also states that people are free to act, without permission of the federal government, in areas outside the scope of the federal government's powers.

Microsoft? Encarta? Encyclopedia 2003. ? 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Davis and his cabinet instructed Confederate General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard to demand the fort's surrender. Anderson refused this ultimatum, and at 4:30 am on April 12, 1861, Beauregard's guns opened fire on Fort Sumter. Lincoln's relief party was unable to land supplies, and two days later Anderson surrendered the fort.
