The US Army as paid by tax payers couldn't single out one news media and disallowed only CNN's embedded reporters, I believe. This is America and everything must be fair enough.
You said American People trust CNN. That's wrong too. CNN's rate has dropped to a distance 2nd behind FNC, because of its obvious liberal bias. For example: on 2/2005, number of people watched CNN vs. FNC:
FNC SHEP SMITH 1,386,000
FNC BRIT HUME 1,318,000
FNC GRETA 1,307,000
CNN LARRY KING 1,004,000
CNN ZAHN 673,000
CNN COOPER 524,000
So CNN's Larry King had less viewers than FOXNews' No 5 program, less than 1/6 of FNC's total # of viewers of its top 5 programs. Are American people so stupid? No, but CNN is! That's why it loses.
Tell us when CNN positively reported about the the connections between Saddam and al Qaeda? Instead, CNN repeated playing the angle that Saddam had no connection with the 9/11 attacks, for example in this story:
-- Give me a break. Can American only defend itself when Saddam positively involved in the 9/11? How about the fact that Saddam's top intelligence agents met with Usama bin Laden?
In this piece of news, it also played word game about "collaborative relationship" and "limited connections", etc. Clearly, CNN is more interested to discredit the Bush admin instead of telling American people the full truth.
The official 9/11 report said:
Evidence includes meetings between Iraqi intelligence agents and al-Qaida operatives in Sudan, the Czech Republic, and Afghanistan.
a senior Iraqi intelligence operative, Farouk Hijazi, who served as head of the Iraqi intelligence service as well as ambassador to Turkey, Jordan, and Tunisia, met with Usama in Afghanistan.
The al-Qaida has declared war to American in the Clinton's year. Saddam played with al-Qaeda in some clear connections. Is this enough?
So now it's your turn to give us some URL showing that CNN really cares about letting American know these key facts about defending America.
Also where is the evidence that CNN positively EVER reported anything about the "Swift Boats Veterans For Truths"?
Can you show us one specific mistake FNC made that is as ridiculous as these by BBC, CNN, Newsweek, C-BS, NYT, WaP?
95% of the reporters are 'individually' liberal and incompetent in term of the basic journalistical standard. Also you forgot about the chief editors in this networks. They are far more important than the reporters and they are liberal.
For example, in the Iraqi war, the embedded reporters, some even from CNN, often complained that their positive stories about the war could not get on the air. These stories were killed by the chief editors back home.
Most of the embedded reporters are positive about the US military, as they fought with them together.
CNN is exactly a dumb left bastard.
Your interpretation of mistakes in oversea news sounds like they are some honest errors that all human do. No, they are not. They are intentional mistake, or sometimes lying by omission. They erred because of their liberal bias, rather than the distance. How can it be CNN's mistake instead of intention not to report the brutal facts of Saddam regime? It would be a honest mistake if CNN did not get the facts. But it was revealed that CNN got the facts and chose not to report bad things about Saddam. That's lying. Here is the hard evidence. It's an article by the former CNN News chief EASON JORDAN on NYT:
I saw and heard awful things that could not be reported because doing so would have jeopardized the lives of Iraqis, particularly those on our Baghdad staff.
I knew that CNN could not report that Saddam Hussein's eldest son, Uday, told me in 1995 that he intended to assassinate two of his brothers-in-law who had defected and also the man giving them asylum, King Hussein of Jordan
Then there were the events that were not unreported but that nonetheless still haunt me. A 31-year-old Kuwaiti woman, Asrar Qabandi, was captured by Iraqi secret police occupying her country in 1990 for "crimes," one of which included speaking with CNN on the phone. They beat her daily for two months, forcing her father to watch. In January 1991, on the eve of the American-led offensive, they smashed her skull and tore her body apart limb by limb. A plastic bag containing her body parts was left on the doorstep of her family's home.
Hello CNN: is your duty to report the truth or are you propagating for Saddam and let him choose what you report? Disgusting.
Now you mentioned domestic reporting. Do you know CNN has another named "Clinton News Network"? During the Clinton impeachment, CNN is known to be a propaganda machine for CNN. It's revealed that CNN privately worked with then White house speakperson to cut off the live coverage of the press conference once the questions about the scandal started. During last year's election, CNN has never positively reported facts about the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth. It instead covered up for kerry the liar. CNN is a disgusting dumb left bastard.
>> Those poor dumb left and right sons of bitches like tag others with right and left. But a real rightist will not do so, but right or wrong.
Nonsense. The left wing main stream media is pushing and broadcasting their agenda every hour, everyday, some thru the public radio space owned by the people, some even funded by public tax money (PBS, NPR). And you are suggesting we the people should not expose their agenda?