



"今年"有错: 此做法早已有之.
"有些州"有错: 美国50个州里大约有40个要求选民预先登记党派.
"民主党"有错: 与民主党无关

"结果吸引中间选民的克拉克将军"有错. 克拉克是有名的爆裂脾气与DEAN齐名,立场也很左. JEO Lieberman才是正宗的"吸引中间选民". 连你们左派内部的事都搞不清?

Primary elections differ depending upon the law in the state in which the election is being held. The most common form is the closed primary, in which voters must be registered members of the political party or declare their party affiliation before they are allowed to vote in that party’s primary election. Voters may participate in a different party’s primary in subsequent elections if they change their party registration. About 40 of the 50 states use closed primaries. Other states use open primaries, in which any voter can vote in any party’s primary. Voters are given the ballots of all parties and select the party ballot on which they wish to vote in the secrecy of the voting booth.


割耳当初2000年大选大吹特吹JOE是如何出色, 万一他有三长两短,JOE一定能替班当总统.

这此他背书DEAN,大吹特吹DEAN是如何如何出色,竟然没有和JEO打声招呼. JOE在电视上公开发火不满.


麦凯恩主战你也主战罗? 哥儿'发明'拉Internet,你也贡献了一把罗;-)
